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School Overview

Cultural logo

School name

School name

The First Affiliated dafabet best online betting websiteMiddle School of Huazhong Normal University (referred to as the "No. 1 Middle School of the Central China Normal University") was formerly a middle school for Central South Experimental Industry and Agriculture,from Pan Zi Nian、Zhao Juntao and other famous revolutionary educators founded in September 1950。In 1985,Former President Li Xiannian's first honorary president and wrote a school name。

School emblem

School emblem

The school emblem is a positive circle,"H" above the middle of the inner circle is the first letter of "Hua" Pinyin,The "1" of the "1" of the first shot of the shadow shows the first time,Circle Explosiveness、Live,"Chinese" and "h"。Below is the line shape of the school's science and technology innovation center building,1950 for the establishment time of the first middle school of China Normal University, Zhongnan Experimental Industry and Rural Speed ​​Middle School。Inner and outer circles,Above is the name of Chinese Chinese characters in the Chinese Normal University with Chinese Normal University,Below is English name。

School Training

Houde Boya Tu Xueshi

  dafabet sports betting website   Refers to moral noble。From "Zhouyi & Middot; Kun": & ldquo; gentleman with thick virtue & rdquo;,It means that people with noble morals can take major tasks。Eli School, No. 1 Affiliated High School of China Normal University,Require students to become adults first,Youxue and Hou De,Make a noble moral、Personality、People with a high sense of responsibility and career。


  ● Boya & ldquo; Bo & rdquo; Refers to Bo dafabet best online casinoXue Duo Wen,can be described as broad -knowledge,See weeng rich。From "Xunzi & Middot; Credit": & ldquo;。& ldquo; Ya & rdquo;,Can be described as talented learning,Enjoy prestige,Available elegance,Different customs。Mr. Ye Shengtao said: & ldquo; Wenwen Er,It is the attitude of the scholar。& rdquo; Huazhong Normal University One Middle School Affiliated Middle School focuses on students' lifetime development,Require students with scientific humanities and humanities,Modern traditional combination,Comprehensively improve its comprehensive quality,Become the need for the new century、With international competition、Talent composite talents。


  ● Du Xue   Study attentively。Its allusions come from "Biography of the Three Kingdoms & Middot; Wu Zhi & Middot; Sun Yu": & ldquo;,Yu Hou Gifts。& rdquo; Huazhong Normal University No. 1 Affiliated High School enjoyed a well -known society with an excellent study style,Students' favorite gods。The school proposed & ldquo; returned time to students,Give the method to students & rdquo;,Requires to cultivate students' self -learning ability,Master the research method,The master who really becomes a learning。


  ● Minxing   Ancient & ldquo; Na Yanmin Xingxing & rdquo;。From "The Analects of Confucius & Middot; Liren": & ldquo; gentleman desire to Yu Yanxing & rdquo;,Means to be cautious、Agile work。School motto & ldquo; Minxing & rdquo;,It is because the No. 1 High School of the Chinese Normal University has always attached great importance to cultivating dafabet sports betting websitestudents' innovative spirit and practical ability,Students must be brave in practice,Good at practice,Serving society in practice,perfect self。

School Banner

School Banner

Huazhong Normal University One Affiliated Middle School flag is blue (C: 98 m 70 y: 10 k: 0),Zhengzhong is the school emblem、The Chinese School Name and English Name of the First Affiliated to Huazhong Normal University。Specification is 144cm、High 96cm。

"Hua" sculpture

& ldquo; Hua & rdquo; The sculpture sculpture with transparent bucket architectlation,Adopt an overhead shape that is consistent with the main building of the background。
& ldquo; Hua & rdquo;,There is also the regional meaning of & ldquo; China & rdquo;,It even shows that reading for the rise of China; the main axis in the middle of the shape represents & ldquo; 1 & rdquo;,symbolizes the first eternal competition for the first middle school of the Chinese Normal University; the Chinese red appearance of the sculpture,On behalf of the High School of the Chinese Normal University, the heavy history,Representative students are thick、Boya; the entire sculpture,From the perspective of the four directions of the east, west, and north, it is a whole,It means harmonious unity in all aspects of the No. 1 High School attached to the Chinese Normal University;,Each bracket is staggered & ldquo; Hua & rdquo; words,More like a big tree that is growing,Chang & ldquo; Ten years of trees,Hundred Years Tree & rdquo; educational concepts。